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Table 2 Correlates of soft skills training take-up

From: The impact of soft skills training on female youth employment: evidence from a randomized experiment in Jordan

Marginal effects from probit estimation


Amman, Salt, or Zarqa

0.067 (0.108)

−0.057 (0.114)

Tawjihi score above median

−0.232** (0.107)

−0.220** (0.109)

No desire to work full-time

−0.265** (0.107)

−0.270** (0.110)

Is allowed to travel to market alone

−0.083 (0.105)

−0.064 (0.107)

Also given wage subsidy

0.158 (0.105)

0.137 (0.107)

Married at baseline


−0.514*** (0.155)

Wealth index


0.008 (0.032)

Number of brothers


0.056** (0.028)

Number of sisters


−0.019 (0.024)

Has email


0.340** (0.165)

In admin/finance program


0.319*** (0.111)

Sample size



  1. Note: robust standard errors in parentheses
  2. *, **, and *** denote significance at the 10, 5, and 1 % levels, respectively